Thursday, December 31, 2009

"Year One"

I watched the unrated edition of this film with a pack of drunken males. So I was in the mood for stupid, blasphemous and crude humor. I got it, but it wasn't that fresh or interesting.

Honestly, Year One is better than critics let on. The first third of the movie is highly spirited with jokes and gags. It slows down in the 2nd, and falls flat by the climax. There's some great moments of humor, but you soon learn where the set-up is going before the punchline. The comedy just does't match where the story is headed. The Biblical and historical setting is nothing more than a backdrop and no one interacts like its a shopping mall. There's oppurtunity for smart Biblical witticisms and satire, but its missed.

I expected more from Harold Ramis. The man has had a huge impact on comedy and film in general. And I respect him for trying to update his style by collaborating today's young talent. I've missed his touch of lowbrow slapstick a'la "Animal House". His storytelling has grown a TINY bit with age. But he didn't match it with his brand of comedy. "Caddyshack" wasn't this crass or referential, but its an undebated classic. One possible excuse is that today's humorists aren't nearly as talented or original as his early collaborators.

I have to say David Cross as the petty, bitter, smug asshole isn't funny anymore. He would have been much funnier here if he employed his more restrained, weakling persona here. His crabby act just strikes me as toothless.

A big disappointment, especially after a strong beginning. It could have been great and that sums up Ramis' directorial career so far. But it tries to say something different and add some brains to the "dick 'n' fart jokes" genre, Ramis helped create. I would have preferred a nostalgic "Caddyshack 3".